What to Expect

Day/Night Before Treatment

  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Caffeine and alcohol dehydrate the skin and can make it more sensitive to treatment.
  • Drink plenty of water Being well-hydrated helps hair to release easier.
  • Apply a hydrating moisturizer 1-2 times daily.

Day of Treatment

  • If you’ve been advised to use a topical numbing cream, we recommend applying it 1-2 hours prior to your appointment on clean skin. First, apply a thin layer for 5-10 minutes.
    Then, apply a thicker, opaque layer on top and cover with plastic wrap to keep it moist and active. We’ll remove it when you arrive for treatment.
  • Upon completion of your hair removal session, we will clean your skin and apply a soothing gel. We may also perform an aftercare procedure called cataphoresis. This helps to soothe the skin, reduce swelling, and start the healing process.
  • Your skin may be inflamed and/or red following treatment. Typically, this will diminish within a couple hours to 2 days depending on your skin and the length of the treatment session.
  • Following your treatment, we will explain your home-care procedure. You’ll need to keep the skin clean and well-hydrated. For clients prone to hyperpigmentation we highly recommend Image Iluma Intense Lightening Serum and sunscreen which are available in our office.